The sacraments are signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us. The Catholic Church teaches in the Catechism that “the seven sacraments touch all the stages and all important moments of the Christian life” (CCC 1210). The seven Sacraments are:
Baptism: freeing us from sin and giving us new life as children of God
Eucharist: nourishing our souls and increasing sanctifying grace
Confirmation: strengthening the gift of the Holy Spirit to defend the faith
Reconciliation: healing our souls that have been harmed by sin
Anointing of the Sick: healing our body and joining our suffering with Christ
Matrimony: the sacred union of man and woman in a covenant with each other and God
Holy Orders: continuing the mission of Christ's Church through ordination of preists
For infants and children under age seven, parents are asked to contact the Parish Office to make an aarrangments for pre-baptismal instruction before this sacrament is celebrated.
Preparation is encouraged to begin during pregnancy. No baptisms are celebrated during the Lenten season. The family should be a registered member and the parish office should be contacted at least two months prior to the date the baptism is to take place.
Infant Baptism Registration Form
Adult baptisms are completed through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) to join the Catholic Church. See the Becoming Catholic page for information or contact the Parish Office.
Preparation for receiving First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion for baptized children in grades second through fourth will be included in the Sunday religious education class time. Parents are expected to attend all parent sessions. It is important that parents as well as other family members participate in the preparation for these sacraments. For older children who have not received their First Eucharist, whether or not they are baptized, please contact the Director of Religious Education.
If you are an adult looking to join the Catholic Church, you will need to go through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Please visit the Becoming Catholic page for information.
Confirmation at St. Joseph Church is celebrated during the Easter season of the odd numbered years. Preparation for this sacrament is offered to all high school students. Participation in Life Teen and middle school formation is required at least the year prior to confirmation sessions. All teens interested in being confirmed will be expected to attend designated preparation sessions throughout the year and two retreats. For more information, see the St. Joseph Life Teen page or contact the Youth Minister.
Adults raised in the Catholic faith prepare for Confirmation at St. Joseph Church and receive the sacrament when the Bishop comes to confirm parishioners. Contact the parish office for more information.
If you are an adult looking to join the Catholic Church, you will attend formation sessions to prepare for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Please visit the Becoming Catholic page for information.
Confessions are heard on Wednesdays following the 12:00 pm (noon Mass) until approximately 1:00 pm, Thursdays following the 8:00 am Mass until approximately 9:00 am, Saturdays from 3:30 pm until 4:15 pm, or by appointment.
If you are an adult looking to join the Catholic Church, you will need to go through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Please visit the Becoming Catholic page for information.
Anointing of the Sick is celebrated during weekend Masses one weekend a year or by appointment.
Marriage preparation begins with the engaged couple meeting with the pastor at least six months before the proposed wedding date. The pre-marital preparation program consists of several components: completion of a pre-marital inventory and discussion of the results with the pastor; Pre-Cana or Sponsor Couple participation, planning for the wedding liturgy, and completion of the required paperwork. Pre-Cana is available through the diocese and takes place in a workshop format at various parishes in the area. Locally, the Sponsor Couple Program is a couple-to-couple approach to marriage preparation.
Prayer for those discerning the preisthood or religious life is continual at St. Joseph Church. If you are discerning, contact the Office of Vocations at